I just had to turn down a prancing Wyll. I tried to let him down easy, but he wasn’t getting the hint.

Is this what it’s like to be a woman? Dudes come prancing up to you out of nowhere like it’s their best move, then get bitchy when you don’t drop your pants for a two step?

I know I risk summoning the worst of the Internet with this question. I’m still curious if anyone’s experienced similar in the game. Maybe I’m way off thinking there’s some empathy lessons in here. It’s obviously not the message of the game, but maybe one of the messages.

  • IonAddis@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It was way too easy for companions to fall into bed with you in this game, lol. Like, if I DO choose someone, I don’t want to have to crawl over glass for my video game husbando…but this game went too far in the opposite direction. You act like a vaguely decent person, and suddenly all the panties are falling off and you’re practically having all the bisexual poly sex you could ever want. Game’s SUPER horny, and everyone’s pan by default XD .

    Astarion seduced me like someone was paying him to do it, Gale responded TOO quickly when I made a pass at him, Wyll comes out of nowhere to dance when I had hardly even had him in my party…

    That said, aside from Wyll being pouty, the way they react to being turned down is really well written. Astarion impressed the hell out of me. Halsin’s reactions/suggestions when I reveal I’m already with someone is something I found really funny. And La’zel’s reaction to not being the first to ask me (I turned Shadowheart down a moment before I spoke to her) I found hilarious too.

    And I won’t even mention the REALLY unexpected one for fear of spoilers. That one almost made me cheat on Gale, just to see what’d happen…but I like Gale, and also he kinda has a dark side, so I didn’t want to be a dick to him both because I like him and because I think he’d turn me into a very fine mist if he got truly pissed.