Poor choice of words on my part, perhaps. Maybe, if I chose “mind”, instead of the more poetic word “soul” people would not reply about how an Embryo is not ensouled.
But please tell me, was your original comment about racism towards animals sarcastic? It is sometimes hard to tell, and it seems almost like a position someone would hold.
It’s racism. They think human lives are more important than other races.
Speciesism, but yes
The human race thinks they’re the supreme race, better than the other races.
It is so prevalent that this type of bigotry actually has its own name: specieism
beat me to it (by only 11h :D)
Yes, exactly. The complexity of the human soul is uncomparable to the basic impulses of any animal.
Where exactly in the single cell is the soul stored?
<waves hands mystically>
A single cell
Embryos don’t have souls. The soul develops during the third trimester.
If you can play music into your belly and get a kick, that thing has a soul. But there’s a lot of time where it’s not that developed.
Poor choice of words on my part, perhaps. Maybe, if I chose “mind”, instead of the more poetic word “soul” people would not reply about how an Embryo is not ensouled.
But please tell me, was your original comment about racism towards animals sarcastic? It is sometimes hard to tell, and it seems almost like a position someone would hold.
Says what, some ancient text?
Definitely seems the type to make Star Wars analogies