No way is any purchasing system going to allow you to walk away without checking that you are won you claim to be, and that you have the funds available to you to make that purchase.
There’s really no technical reason why these contactless payment systems couldn’t be FOSS. When I registered my card with my watch, I needed to call my bank to confirm it was me. The same process could totally happen without Google being involved.
Cash…. What you’re looking for is called cash.
No way is any purchasing system going to allow you to walk away without checking that you are won you claim to be, and that you have the funds available to you to make that purchase.
I really don’t like dealing with small change.
There’s really no technical reason why these contactless payment systems couldn’t be FOSS. When I registered my card with my watch, I needed to call my bank to confirm it was me. The same process could totally happen without Google being involved.