Fair enough. Its not a great sign that this is likely to continue.
Thinking about it, i wonder how many vendors rely on big players like LG for parts.
You know, like in the phone market and car market for example. Vendors use parts and designs from other vendors all the time. Googles folding screen comes from samsung. In fact, samsung make parts for a ton of other manufacturers.
I just read LG has stopped manufacturing blueray players. Meaning, soon, the dvds/bluerays at your local library will be defunct :(
There are many other vendors that still make players.
Fair enough. Its not a great sign that this is likely to continue.
Thinking about it, i wonder how many vendors rely on big players like LG for parts.
You know, like in the phone market and car market for example. Vendors use parts and designs from other vendors all the time. Googles folding screen comes from samsung. In fact, samsung make parts for a ton of other manufacturers.
As another example, Apple still uses displays made by Samsung and cameras made by Sony for the iPhone.
How small has that list become at this point?