Why is “getting by” the goal? Shouldn’t the goal be to thrive? American exceptionalism my ass
This can’t be defined at the state level. It costs a hell of a lot more to live in San Francisco, than to live in Tulare, CA. Most states have high and low cost areas.
The cost of living minimum is $40,000+. The most I’ve made in a year is ≈$20,000. Something’s not adding up.
It’s most certainly adding up in shareholder value.
$15/hour minimum wage in California. $31,200/year before taxes if working 40 hours a week. I haven’t seen anything I could feasibly get hired for that pays more than $18/hour ($37,440/year).
I seriously have zero motivation to work 40 hours a week and still be fucking homeless.
I make more than the article listed for my state, but it’s unlikely I could actually get by on my own, at least not without sacrificing some comforts like a well maintained apartment, eating every day, and paying my bills on time. Granted, I do live in the city. If I lived in the middle of nowhere my CoL would be lower, but then I’d be unemployed.
And federal minimum wage is $7.25 or 15,080 before taxes. Which is about 1/3rd of the lowest in this article (Mississippi at 45,906)
Name 1 job title that actually makes federal minimum wage. I dont mean service or gig workers either because that can vary wildly
These are significantly higher than they used to be, but nowhere near some of the most out of touch numbers I’ve seen people claim online.
It is very unlikely a single person is having a comfortable life in San Diego on $80k.
I call bullshit on a definition of “living wage” which claims that someone making $100,000 a year is earning less than a living wage (even in Hawaii).
Can confirm that these figures are very inflated. I currently live in Hawaii on half of that “living wage”. Have a nice (by Hawaii standards) 2 bedroom apartment and still have over 1000 in excess income after rent\utils\groceries\gas each month.
112k is around what i would need to be making to afford a house\mortgage, but its possible to “live” without.
“Do you feel trapped by your low-rate mortgage?”
A single person with a mortgage just seems like a terrible idea, though.
Worst case I’d move back in with my parents. But being single is hard mode, shouldn’t be, but it is.