Not an official announcement, but it’s probably safe to assume an Xbox handheld is in development.

        • arefx
          2221 days ago

          Nah probably the deck. Switch has been out for a long time these companies didn’t start rushing to make these portables until after steam deck. With your logic why stop at the switch. Switch? TRY THE GAME BOY MY GUY

            • arefx
              1721 days ago

              That literally has nothing to do with it as evident by the fact that these handheld didn’t start coming out until after the steam deck. Switch total sales have been high for years now. This is a new trend. You’re free to think whatever you want though

            • JJLinux
              121 days ago

              You cannot compare these. While it is true that the switch sold 13 million+ units it’s first year, these are worldwide sales, while the Steam deck started (and still is) only in a few select markets, and started at a bit over 1 million units sold the first year. That’s what, 8% compared to the Switch’s first year? The deck was not being sold (at least not directly) in over 92% of the countries where the Switch was, so it seems like they are on par, or at least very close, by region.

              Also consider that the switch is more targeted at kids, while the deck is targeted at more mature players.

                20 days ago

                TL;DR You can compare. By total sales to unequivocally know why everyone wants the same form factor.

                It’s weird the coolaid drinkers cant read the start of threads to stay on topic.

        • The switch came out 7 years ago my guy. The steamdeck was definitely inspired by the switch, but the steamdeck has something the switch doesnt: hardware that runs modern releases that normally only run on pc or a powerful console. This is why microsoft is interested in the market now: they realised the time is here for handheld gaming that can play homeconsole releases.

    • FubarberryOPM
      1422 days ago

      Must be, there were at least 3 new handheld PCs announced last week.

      322 days ago

      Sometimes its not just about selling enough to justify creation of new device. Sometimes its the potential that they have in mind. The prices are quite high, so they probably make some bucks out of it while it is hot. Soon the market on PC gaming handhelds will be saturated. Then they need to innovate and create something outstanding in whatever way. At least this is what the optimist in me thinks.

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        821 days ago

        Then they need to innovate and create something outstanding…

        There’s the snag. Anything they innovate or create that’s outstanding will 100% be anti-consumer. That, or their version of innovation will be forcing an update to your system that pretty much brick it to ensure you buy a newer model (at least for countries that don’t have strong pro-consumer laws). I can count the number of companies on a single hand that I would trust not to do that.