• @ToriborA
    218 months ago

    This is why Trump is threatening to fire all the federal nonpartisan employees. They are the ones doing all the day to day work to keep things going. If he guts that entire structure it’ll be total chaos but then he can issue decrees to his loyalists and there won’t be a structure to push back against anything illegal, unconstitutional or unethical.

    If that comes to pass it’ll be a real mess for sure.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      58 months ago

      Serious question on that. Why are they not talking about firing the top military brass? That seems the logical first step, and the first thing autocrats have done through history.

      People often comment on the politics of individual soldiers. IDGAF. The leadership is not going to kowtow to Trumps whims.

      Too unpalatable to be said out loud? If so, why not just paint them as enemies and vermin? If I was managing the propaganda for Trump, I could easily make several top generals out to be bad guys who won’t work with me.

      • @ysjet@lemmy.world
        118 months ago

        Because Tommy Tuberville is holding up top military brass appointees so trump can change them and instate a whole swath of the at once. No need to fire anyone if you hold the spots open until your guy wins.

        Same way they stacked the supreme Court.